Monday, March 28, 2011

my mother's gift

From my birth, to this day,
my mother has always been there.
If I needed anyone to listen to me, when no one else would,
I knew I could talk to my mother.
If I needed unconditional caring and love,
I knew I could get that from my mother.
If I needed some seriously opinionated truth,
I knew I could receive that from my mother.
When I became a mother, I became a mother because every ounce in my spirit wanted to be a mother.
I never knew how much giving would be required.
But as this giving was required, I gave it up without reservation, without question.
Same as my mother.
She taught me how to love like no one else can love.
She taught me how to counsel, like no one else can counsel.
We didn't always agree, in fact we rarely agreed.
She was real.
She was the glue of our family.
When our family was falling apart with no hopes of revival,
she brought us back from the dead.
When war was ravaged in our hearts,
she brought peace to our suffering.
She dug me out of many holes.
She brought light into dark times.
She was the power of woman incarnate.
She was the healer, the forgiver, the wisdom weaver.
We were generations apart, but the bridge between us was made of gold.
If I could ever think of one most important quality of being a mother,
that quality would be love.
Beyond anything else, love is the most important quality of mothering a child,
a family, a nation.
MY mother showed me the power of unconditional love.
MY mother showed me through example.
MY mother was the embodiment of unconditional love.
I will carry this gift with me into many generations….
because this is the gift that keeps on giving…..
and keeps on living…..
without question, through all time.
And this is the gift that I am most grateful for.
This is the gift my mother showed to me,which I will show to my daughter,
which she will show to her daughter, to her son, to her family.
And on and on into the generations.
I give thanks, to my mother and her incredible heart.
Her incredible love.
Her beauty unbreakable.

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